Wednesday, August 13, 2008


You don't have to own the company or be a CEO. Here's how to build a rich nest egg one paycheck at a time.

Are you ready to be a millionaire?



1. Keep your eyes peeled for better ways to do your job.

Streamline a procedure, shave costs, create a new profit center, become an expert on a specific topic, volunteer for a company committee -- anything that will make you stand out as a prime candidate for a promotion or a pay boost.

2. Don't be afraid to negotiate.

In a study of master's degree graduates from her university, Carnegie Mellon economics professor Linda Babcock found that those who negotiated their first salary boosted their pay by 7.4% compared with those who didn't bargain.

3. Get your ducks in a row and your numbers on paper.

If possible, quantify how much your efforts add to the company's bottom line. If that's not feasible, spotlight your value with comparable salaries for workers in your position from a Web site, such as, or from a professional association.

4. Plot your strategy when it's time to move on.

Create a professional-looking page on luverspace that tells prospective employers why you're an exceptional candidate, recommends John Challenger of the outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas. And don't neglect more conventional networking: Join a professional association or show up at school reunions toting business cards.

5. Contribute as much as you can to your 401(k) and other tax-deferred retirement plans.

You'll not only build a bigger nest egg, but you'll also cut your tax bill. In the 25% federal tax bracket, every $1,000 you contribute to a 401(k) trims your taxes by $250. And you'll save on state income taxes, too.

6. Flex your tax-saving muscle.

Contribute pretax dollars to a flexible spending account to pay for dependent care or out-of-pocket medical expenses. If you set aside $1,500 per year and you're in the 25% bracket, avoiding federal income and Social Security taxes means Uncle Sam will subsidize almost $500 of your expenses.

7. Review your tax withholding.

If you're expecting a refund this spring, you're having too much tax withheld from your paycheck -- and making an interest-free loan to Uncle Sam. That's no way to become a millionaire. Put more money in your pocket by using Kiplinger's withholding calculator and then filling out a new Form W-4.

8. Stash savings in a Roth IRA if you're eligible.

Withdrawals in retirement, including decades of compounded earnings, will be tax-free. This year, income-eligibility limits for a Roth increase to $114,000 for individuals and $166,000 for married couples.

Invest like crazy

9. Don't delay.

The quicker you get a jump on putting money aside, the easier it will be to stuff a seven-figure cushion. If you start at age 25, for example, investing $286 per month will get you $1 million by age 65, assuming you earn 8% annually.

10. Invest automatically, either through your employer's retirement plan or by setting up a regular deposit to a mutual fund or broker.

You'll never miss the money, and you'll avoid two big mistakes: buying too much when stock prices are high and not buying at all when prices fall.

11. Watch for fund fees.

The more you pay, the tougher it is to earn an above-average return. The typical hedge fund, for example, takes 20% of any gains, a huge hurdle to overcome. A better bet: no-load mutual funds with expense ratios of 1% or less. If you trade individual stocks, watch those commissions.

12. Keep it simple.

Be wary of get-rich-quick schemes or sales pitches for complex investments, such as oil-and-gas partnerships, that trade on the millionaire cachet to lure investors into buying high-fee products they don't understand. Most millionaire households accumulate their wealth over the long term by sticking to a regular investing plan in a balanced portfolio.

13. Don't run from shares

There's a huge difference between the gains (and losses) you can make by investing in the stock market compared to your returns from bank fixed deposits.

14. Save, if you're not brave

If you know zilch about the stock markets, or think your knowledge base does not warrant any sort of investment, start saving.

15. Shun debt

Nobody becomes a millionaire by being in debt. In fact, being in debt is a surefire way to dry your savings, but can get you into further debt.

16 Chase your dreams

Don't view investments as just money. You can even invest in an idea.

Custom Search

Monday, July 7, 2008

big money awaits you at home


A business solution that is doing online businesses and no extending its opportunities to those who want to just work at home, have a part time job while you employed in another job or simply a student who want to earn income while studying their chosen course. OMS started in August 2006 and until now, we keep on striving to provide you a better product and service worldwide. Anyone who wants to be a part of fast growing company??


OMS had created a 10 - day course for those who wanted and who are willing to earn an extra income while sitting just at home. You dont need to be a computer wizard because we will teach you everything on the training. This 10 day course was the most effective way on how to be a good blogger and good advertiser over the internet. OMS will help you provide the neccessary tools on how to be a effective blogger and online advertiser. Once you learned the "know how" in blogging and online advertising, then its a signal of earning lots of money.You dont need to have your own computer because we will even allow you to do it even a computer shops. The 10 day course started in August 2007 and we are proud to say that from then, we have been changing people lives by providing what they need of ,not just financially but emotionally and physically as well.Through OMS we will help you to realize how beautiful life is...

  • no age limits
  • male or female
  • single or married
  • willing to undergo training with us
  • hardworking
  • highly motivated to earn
  • with self confidence and determined

    what will happen after i finish the course?
    After you finish the course you will be equipped with all the knowledge that you will use to advertise products online. OMS will now allow you to advertise their products at home. Imagine, you are earning extra big income by just sitting at the front of your computer.So you dont have to wake up early and to your work,no superiors or boss over you,and you dont have to follow one company's strict policies, BE A BOSS AT HOME AND EARN INCOME LIKE A BOSS!!!!

    If you are interested,feel free to contact us and reserve your slot for the pre-orientation.Our office is located at 2nd floor RSM bldg.(above the one minute convenience store near FPIP).
    Sta.Anastacia Sto.Tomas, Batangas.
    Telephone NO.318-00-18 or mobile NO.0928-770-79-51/0927-502-45-54